Missing Diver March 28, 2012 in Cozumel UPDATE

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On March 29th, 2012 I received an email from a DM friend working the boats with Sand Dollar this morning regarding the missing diver off Santa Rosa. He writes:
Today and Tomorrow will be the last days of rescue for the missing girl. I am sure she never made the surface, I told the captain 15 minutes after we couldn’t find her on the surface. We check other boats in the area. There were around 10 boats on Santa Rosa Wednesday. If no one saw her it is because the current pulled her down. The current was out and very strong, pulling downward. This is the second time I’ve seen currents like this and I was close to not making the surface as well. It was close for me my friend.
The individual who wrote me the email is a native born to Cozumel. He has …

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